In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, consistently creating fresh content can be daunting for B2B marketers. But what if there was a way to maximize the reach and impact of your existing content? Evan Kirstel, a leading voice in the B2B space, offers a practical and transformative solution: content repurposing. 

Evan shared his insights in this episode of Tomorrow’s Best Practices Today. Let’s explore how to reuse content masterfully and get the maximum return on your content marketing investment.

Why Repurpose Content?

“Reusing content is about taking a piece of content and leveraging it across multiple platforms,” says Evan. It’s not just about recycling; it’s about strategically adapting and presenting your content in new formats to engage different audience segments. By doing so, you’re amplifying your message, ensuring it reaches every nook and cranny of the digital world without the constant grind of creating new material.

The hidden bonus to this approach? It ensures your content remains evergreen, reaching new audiences without constant reinvention.

Building Communities: More Than Just Engagement

Beyond just repurposing content, there’s a deeper layer to digital strategy: community building.

“Whatever platform you’re on, there’s a way to build that community,” Evan emphasizes. These digital communities act as engagement ecosystems, fostering two-way communication, mutual support, and shared growth. They can amplify repurposed content, making it resonate more deeply with the audience.

However, Evan offers a word of caution. While platforms like Facebook or X (former Twitter) are great for community building, they’re essentially rented spaces. Brands don’t truly own them. This is where white-label community formation tools like Circle come into play. These platforms allow brands to create private communities while offering more control and stability.

Harnessing Platform-Specific Features

Each digital platform comes with its unique set of tools and features. Evan notes, “All the platforms have a lot of features that folks just aren’t really educated on.” 

For example, LinkedIn offers an array of tools, including LinkedIn Live, Articles, Newsletter and Creator mode. While Twitter/X is undergoing massive change at the moment, there are still opportunities to connect with your community using reposts, DMs, and other features.

Across platforms, there’s a plethora of options waiting to be explored. By understanding and leveraging these features, B2B marketers can ensure their repurposed content shines brightly in the digital galaxy.

Adopting an Experimental Approach

The key to successful content repurposing? An experimental mindset.

“Dive in and try all these features…see what sticks, see what looks interesting,” advises Evan. The digital realm is dynamic, and the only way to truly harness its potential is to immerse yourself in the digital culture unique to each platform. Tackle the time to experiment with different formats and platforms and then iterate based on testing and feedback.

Shifting the Narrative Focus

For content to truly resonate, Evan suggests a narrative shift. “Shift the focus on someone else, raise someone else, talk about someone else.” 

Instead of a brand-centric narrative, turn the spotlight onto others—employees, customers, or industry peers. B2B brands that do this well weave a richer, more engaging story, making their repurposed content even more compelling.

Content repurposing is more than a strategy; it’s an art. It’s about reimagining, reinventing, and rejuvenating content to remain relevant, engaging, and impactful. As Evan’s insights demonstrate, B2B marketers can navigate the digital landscape more confidently, ensuring their content continues to shine, no matter the platform or channel.

Ready to get started with B2B social media? Let’s talk!